Tiny house in europe

5 Reasons You Can Benefit From The Beauty In Simplicity

Do you ever get the feeling your week to come is overwhelming?

And the thought of embracing the beauty in simplicity is a far dream?

You may be stressed and can’t quite figure out which part of life to focus on.

Perhaps you’re feeling your home is full of way too much useless stuff and is now starting to become unmanageable?

Us humans tend to adapt to any given situation; even if they are negative.

This is what us humans have developed over time;

Our survival instinct.

Beauty of simplicity while walking in forest


The Benefits and Beauty in Simplicity


Now before we get into this…

Simplifying your life doesn’t mean giving things up, reducing work you love to do or throwing away valuables.

Simplifying your life is about focusing on what has meaning to you and prioritizing the rest, you spend your time on, less. 

Many individuals feel like they have to follow the crowd.

Certain things that are considered ‘right’ to do and society frowns upon going against the flow.

Recognize this feeling?

The fact is not everybody has the same dream about the steady income, a house with debt, kids and a steady busy life.

Some people want something different, something more.

Based on you being here, I’m guessing you have thoughts along these lines!


1. Time for the Important Aspects


Nr. 1 is the most important benefit. Having the time to focus on the important things in your life. 

To do that, finding out what is important to you, is the first task!

Not what your boss, family or friends think you should or could be doing.

What YOU find important. 

This can for many be a tricky task to work out for some people. 

Find a quiet place and ask yourself this question. 


If you had 1 year off clearing your schedule from absolutely everything from next Monday what would you do throughout your weeks?


Determining what your favourite activities and priorities are and how you want your lifestyle to be, you now have a chance of simplifying your life to accommodate these different aspects. 

And in the near future actually, have time for them. 


2. Clearness and Surplus


After deciding what your important aspects in life are, your perception of your every day go about may start to change.

Having a goal or a clear focus towards a future life you are hoping for gives meaning to some of the painful and frustrating boring chores of everyday life. 

Tired of having to work an extra hour or two at work regularly? 

Who isn’t? 

This extra money could be going straight to your investment account decreasing the time you have to work full time instead of part-time in 5/10 years. 


Work office simplicity in work area. Beautiful


It may not quite feel as tough at the end of the day having a similar example in the back of your mind specifically from your personal important elements in life. 

Adjusting to simplicity can be a change for some! See 5 things to consider when embracing the beauty of simplicity. 

3. Freedom of Simplifying


Simplifying different aspects of your life whether it is socially, financially, materialistically, psychologically is where you start to feel the freedom!

An overloaded employee with way too many tasks will at some time burn out. We, humans, aren’t made for coping with extraordinary amounts of information, tasks, and feelings. 

We only have a certain quantity to cope with.


Example of beauty in simplicity near pool and chair


This is why focussing more on the things that bring you joy until this capacity is at some point full and reducing the materialistic things, friends and negative thoughts will start to grow a liberating feeling of freedom

Give more time and space for the positive beauty in simplicity and get rid of the negative. 

You don’t have the capacity for it all!

You may find the capacity to start a project like building a Tiny House in Europe! 


4. Conscious decisions 


As soon as we start replacing the negative with more positivity the activities we must do such as work, chores, helping coworkers in need when we haven’t got the time, start to become a more conscious decision. 

You’ll already have spent time on what brings you joy and this will, therefore, give you a better chance of seeing the meaning and having the energy to manage the jobs that aren’t the most favourable in your life. 

You know these parts are necessary for reaching financial freedom. So hey you’ll have plenty of time to enjoy life, even more, when your income isn’t a problem anymore, so let’s get around to doing them!

Simple beautiful work desk

As soon as a must-do job becomes a conscious decision we have a phycological and physiological increase in motivation. 

Decide which specific email you would like to answer first, what time to do your business monthly report or when a specific meeting would fit your calendar perfectly. 

Feel the motivation increase as you make the decision!



5. Reducing the Burden 


Are you stuck in a job because you’re dependent on the source of income?

Reducing the burden would be a great feeling, wouldn’t it? 

Simplifying life, minimizing, downsizing, clearing out and selling your excess stuff will give you a great increase in freedom. 


Reduce those monthly expenses, get rid of all the extras that you don’t cherish anymore and maybe have the possibility of working less (if this is what you wish to do)! 

If working less isn’t an option or focus then put the extra savings towards investing and reach financial independence faster. That would be a great added bonus wouldn’t it?

Being dependant on an income is a huge weight on your shoulders that can quite easily be improved. Focus on what gives you meaning and joy. Reduce everything else. 

And are you interested in the beauty of simplicity and intrigued by Tiny Houses?

All I can say is go for it.

That’s my plan!


Glad we can be on this journey together. Reach out if you are at the planning stage of a downsizing project.

Others and I would love to hear from a fellow European Tiny House enthusiast.